By Abdullahi Alhassan, Kaduna
As way of assisting small Business owner’s in the Society,this year distribution of zakkat which is one of the strong pillars of Islam, a Good Samaritan has donated cash and other working tools with the aims of empowering youths and women to strengthen them ,so as to expanded their little business and to make it stand – stronger.
Mallam Abdullahi mohammed sufi is One of the directors at the interfaith mediation center Kaduna who on behalf of the donor ( Name withheld) has donated cash to over 50 citizens of Kaduna state North western Nigeria, as part of his annual Ramadan zakkat distribution toward empowering more small and medium business in the society.
According to him, the cash donation was to help those with little skills and local business in the societies to enabled them stand -stronger and not to allow them crash –down due to little capital bedeviling the expanding of their business in the community.
Among the women and youths with little business that were empowered are shoe makers, food vendors ,on- line business, salon and hair dressing, poetry and other skills.
The target of the selected section was to enabled them have capital that can help them stand own their own, despite challenges affecting the survival of small skill business across the country.
Adding that ,they want to see the progress they are making which include expansion of their businesses.
Mallam sufi equally called on other wealthy individuals in the society to always help people with little capital to expands, so that they too would be helping others in the future.
While appealing to State and Federal Government to always find means of creating enabling environment for small and medium seize businesses.
One of the recipient Nafisa Zakaria ya’u, who is doing an online business in Kaduna expressed satisfaction with the assistance given to her
Stressing that ,the help would definitely assist her in boosting her business that is facing series of challenges.
She promised to see her business booming like any other online business transaction,so that she could equally give zakkat to other individuals in the society.
Nafisa hope to be one of the best business online entrepreneurs that would be supply goods from Europe to Africa if her business expands.
She ended by appealing to all wealthy Muslims leaders across African to always donate their zakkat to small skill and medium seize business men and women to enabled them stand strong irrespective of economic crisis bedeviling friend eco-environment.